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- 経文
若有衆生。 多於淫欲。 常念恭敬観世音菩薩。 便得離欲。 若多瞋恚。 常念恭敬観世音菩薩。 便得離瞋。 若多愚痴。 常念恭敬観世音菩薩。 便得離癡。 無尽意。 観世音菩薩。 有如是等大威神力。 多所饒益。 是故衆生。 常応心念。 若有女人。 設欲求男。 禮拝供養観世音菩薩。 便生福徳智慧之男。 設欲求女。 便生端正有相之女。 宿植徳本。 衆人愛敬。 無尽意。 観世音菩薩。 有如是力。 若有衆生。 恭敬礼拝観世音菩薩。 福不唐捐。 是故衆生。 皆応受持観世音菩薩名号。 無尽意。 若有人。 受持六十二億恒河。 沙菩薩名字。 復尽形。 供養飲食。 衣服。 臥具。 医薬。 於汝意云何。 是善男子。 善女人。 功徳多不。 無尽意言甚多世尊。 仏言。 若復有人。 受持観世音菩薩名号。 乃至一時礼拝供養。 是二人福。 正等無異。 於百千萬億劫。 不可窮尽。 無尽意。 受持観世音菩薩名号。 得如是無量無辺福徳之利。
English Translation
"If there are any sentient beings who are greatly subject to sensual desires, if they contemplate Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara with respect, they will become free from these desires. If there are any sentient beings who often become angry, if they contemplate Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara with respect, they will become free from anger. If there are any sentient beings who are greatly con- fused, if they contemplate Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara with respect, they will become free from their confusion. O Akşayamati! Thus Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara greatly benefits sentient beings through his transcendent power. For this reason sentient beings should always turn their thoughts to him.
"If any woman wanting to have a baby boy pays homage and makes offerings to Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, she will bear a baby boy endowed with good merit and wisdom. If she wants to have a baby girl, she will bear a beautiful and handsome baby girl who has planted roots of good merit and will have the love of sentient beings O Aksayamatil Such are the transcendent powers of Btient bena Avalokiteśvara that if any sentient being reverently respectis him, the merit they achieve will never be in vain. For this repects sentient beings should hold to the name of Bodhisattva Aval- kiteśvara. O Akşayamati! What do you think of someone who holds to the names of the bodhisattvas equal in number to the sands of sixty-two koțis of Ganges Rivers and pays homage to them with drink and food, clothes, bedding, and medicine. Is the merit of this son or daughter of a virtuous family great or not?"
Akşayamati answered, saying: "O Bhagavat! It is great."
The Buddha said: "If there is anyone who holds to the name of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara and anyone who pays homage to him and makes offerings even for a moment, the merit of these two peo- ple will be equal and the same; it will never be extinguished after hundreds of thousands of myriads of hoțis of kalpas. O Akşayamati! Those who hold to the name of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara will attain such benefits of immeasurable and limitless merit."